Providing opportunities for male scholars to attend Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Our Scholarship
Each year, students have the opportunity to apply for the Walker-Williams-Wilson Memorial Scholarship, dedicated to the memory of HBCU alumni who greatly impacted the spaces they graced. The scholarship supports deserving Black male scholars who choose to attend HBCUs both personally and financially as well as the communities they hail from through service.
The SVGS Foundation Board of Executives represent the array of professions within the organization. Members are leaders in their respective fields, including educators, consultants, pharmacists, information technology experts, government employees, marketing mavens, architects, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, finance gurus, and more.
Our Leadership
Our Honorees
The SVGS Foundation, established in 2018, is dedicated to honoring the memory of Randy D. Walker II, Alex K. Williams, and Evan C. Wilson. By offering scholarships and organizing community fundraising activities, the foundation aims to carry on the philanthropic legacy of these exceptional individuals, bringing a brighter future for generations to come.
Our Story
Rooting from a strong friendship amongst classmates at an Historically Black College and University (HBCU), a group of young men formed a close bond of brotherhood. In the Fall of 2009, the group lost a member of that brotherhood, followed by another in the Spring of 2011, and another in the Spring of 2018.
Events Calander
Our Partners
“...After my junior year, the SVGS Foundation helped me get connected to an internship!
— Tariq Edwards , 2019 Awardee
“I’m the first in my family to go to college...before arriving at school, the SVGS Foundation paired me with three other students, making my transition a lot easier!
— Confidential, 2020 Applicant
“This scholarship helped me obtain my degree in Civil Engineering, as I look to work in city planning in the future!
— Desean Bostic, 2019 Awardee
“I’m so grateful to have these young men honoring the life of my son. These brothers are really dedicated to changing as many lives as they can!
— Gwen Wilson, Mother of Evan C. Wilson